A house is not a home without a collie or 4

my best friends have 4 paws
Cambrogan Rough Collies began unofficially in 2015 when my first rough collie Brodie (Cariadhaf Crazy Dream 1RCC) came to join me at 10 weeks old. 1 year later Cariadhaf Cookies and Cream for Cambrogan came long and my ambition to breed aswell as showing began to take focus, my kennel name: Cambrogan was applied for and granted soon after. In 2018 i bred my first litter and Bella gave birth to 8 amazing little puppies. I kept Brooke (Cambrogan Blowin A Hoolie) and i am totally smitten. In march 2024 brooke had her second litter and Barra now completes 3 generations with me.
Aside from showing i love the great outdoors and i am a keen traveler and hill walker with my furry best friends. Brooke joined the hill walking adventures in summer 2020 and has so far achieved the summits of over 56 mountains in Scotland, Brodie is on 87 and Bella are closer to 80 now, mostly munros. We are so lucky to have such beauty on our doorstep!
In 2021 Brooke became a proud mum to 6 gorgeous sable and tricolour puppies and one new show prospects Jenny ( Cambrogan Caledonia Kiss) now lives with her daddy and his owner ,my good friend Heather Brotherton at Alauna rough collies. Brooke also has a sister Abby (Cambrogan Lady of Loch'Aber) from Bella and Brodies second litter, who lives with their breeder and my good friend Margaret Harrison, Cariadhaf rough collies.
I have also dabbled in sports with the dogs and was competing in agility with Brooke who soared to grade 3 very quickly and achieved her bronze warrant but after a year of competing injury struct and so we now do hoopers. Shes taken to it like a natural. Shes a sporty athletic dog. Brooke runs like a racehorse even after 10 mile walks she gets the crazy zooms.
All dogs are also Kennel Club good citizen tested to GOLD standard. All have their Kennel club Stud Book Numbers.