Brooke started her puppy show career off pretty well, wininng her Crufts place at her second show. The girl has a lot of energy and enthusiasm and I am loving every second with her. I am pleased to say Brooke has qualified for a place on the British Collie Club Ladypark trophy list for her show achievements in 2019.
In 2021 brooke gained her stud book number, topping a quality limit class at skc. She places consistently at shows. Brooke is also competing in agility and went into grade 2 in just 3 competitions.
Lorraine Quince
Steven’s Cambrogan Blowin A Hoolie – Just turned 6mths old sable bitch she has a lovely head such a kind eye, super ears, tight lip line would prefer more underjaw. Nice neck and back ratio good angulation. Excellent length of tail. A little slack in movement at present which I am sure will tighten with age.
Alexander mcclelland
S Steven Cambrogan Blowin A Hoolie. A nice sable whom I am sure will get better as matures, correct head shape with correct ears, lovely eye giving sweet expression, good arch of neck correct shoulders, good length of back, nice turn of stifle, good movement. Be interesting to see her mature.
Alan Staniland
Steven’s Cambrogan Blowin A Hoolie. Another S/W slightly less mature than first at 7 months of age. Was in good coat and condition and had a clean head for its age. Just preferred the overall shape of the winner.
Zena Thorn Andrews
Steven’s Cambrogan Blowin A Hoolie. Pleasing head and eyes, ears still needs to settle, excellent front and forechest, good shoulder layback, body coming on well, still moving close in rear and tail carried too high, very promising.
Catherine Hollinshead
Steven’s Cambrogan Blowin A Hoolie 7 month old s/w bitch of good shape, nice wedge head with well placed oblique eye & well placed ears. Well constructed, with good reach of neck and shoulder angulation. Good topline and bone. Moved and showed well. BP & Pastoral Puppy 2.
Jane Usher
Pastoral Puppy 1 Steven Cambrogan Blowin A Hoolie. A lovely RC who was unfortunate to up against older dogs in her breed class, full of breed type and extremely cheeky. Moved better in this class than previously. Feminine head with a sweet expression, beautiful coat and colour but to be slightly critical watch her weight as this could lead to her rolling on the move.
Jo Hodges
Steven’s Cambrogan Blowin A Hoolie. 8 month s/w, larger puppy than winner but again all in proportion. Has a good depth of body and keeps a level top line on the move. Slightly longer in foreface but a decent underjow, would prefer a more almond shaped eye. However she has neat ears and great showmanship. Was in good coat for age which was well groomed. covered the ground with ease, just needs to tighten in front movement.
Tom Mather
Steven’s Cambrogan Blowin A Hoolie. Best Puppy, pastoral puppy 1. A good moving, classy youngster with a feminine, pleasing expression. Well coated and shown in good order. Kept her outline well here and in the group.
Ray Wilkinson
Stevens Cambrogan Blowin a Hoolie, sable 8 months old bitch shows plenty of promise well balanced throughout easy mover.
Mr K Wilberg
Steven’s Cambrogan Blowin A Hoolie. Bitch of very good type. Nice head, good neck and top line. Moved well but tail high.
Shiela Telford
1. Steven Cambrogan Blowin A Hoolie S/W with a good head to handle, correctly placed stop, would prefer a smaller eye. Lovely reach of neck with correct length of back, fair turn of stifle. Moved well. She can play her handler up and sometimes is happy with her tail.
Bev White
Steven’s Cambrogan Blowin A Hoolie. Promising puppy with a lovely head and expression. Good construction with good neck and length of back. Movement rather erratic but she was enjoying her day as a puppy should. Handled very well to get the best from her whilst still allowing her to be a baby.
Reg ware
Steven’s Cambrogan Blowin A Hoolie. Sable, just finishing her puppy career, this sable was expertly handled. Larger than first but again moved well with drive. Liked her tail a tad but she really enjoyed her day. Head balanced but not the expression l look for.
Gary Gray- skc oct 2021
1st Steven’s, Cambrogan Blowin a Hoolie, 2 3⁄4 yrs shaded sable bitch of good quality and breed type, lovely headpiece. Nice clean head with a lovely dark, open eye of almond shape, giving a pleasing expression. Slightly out at elbow when not run at the right speed and that's why I double checked her, but that said, lovely reach of neck into well laid shoulder, good upper arm, good coupling height to length, strong top line into well moulded croup and strong hindquarters. She was sound both ways, when moved at the correct speed, steady side gait showing good reach & drive.
Clive Lunt, Bath August 2021
Stevens’ Cambrogan Blowin A Hoolie. 30 mth old sable, good feminine head, dark eye, correct ear carriage, good depth of chest well sprung rib, good topline, tight feet and tail set, moved well, well groomed.
Edith Prior leeds july 2021
PGB (16, 3) 1 Stevens’ Cambrogan Blowin A Hoolie. Sable/white, with a nice head, dark almond shaped eyes well set, good strong underjaw, arch neck, and fine length of back. Moved with ease around the ring.
Lorraine Quince, tayside open aug 2021
Another beautiful girl who is just coming back into coat. She excels in her head wonderful fill to her muzzle and a very kind expression. Dark eyes well placed, ears super shape carried well excellent teeth flat skull. She has a pleasing outline which was covered in a fitted jacket of the most wonderful colour. Tail of correct length and carried correctly on the move. Moved well in all directions. Just lost out to winner today who was in full coat.
Peter Matfin, turiff aggricultural show july 2022
Steven. Cambrogan Blowin A Hoolie. 3 and a half yr old bitch, correct head all as it should be, good pigmentation, nice neck good length and well arched, well angulated shoulders, deep chest, moved well going and coming.
David Alcorn, hamilton canine aug 2022
PG (4) 1 Cambrogan Blowin A Hoolie. Presented the best outline in this class both standing and
moving. Liked her head a lot, with the correct wedge shape and strength of jaw, but with femininity and
a good expression. She is balanced in her angulation and nothing is to excess, which produces a sound
and accurate action on the move; tidy away and back and covering enough ground on the go around.
Presented in first class order too. BoB
Ulla persson, East Anglian Collie champ show Aug 2022
Slightly strong built bitch but still femanine, good body proportions and bone, moves extremely well, in good coat condition.