Abby is a repeat mating between brodie and bella , she resides with Margaret Harrison , Cariadhaf rough collies in wales. Margaret bred brodie and bella and abby lives with her grandmother, great grandmother and aunties. Due to lockdown abby missed her puppy career but began showing in july 2021 as 15 month old junior and in 3 short months racked up 7 first places, a second and a third. Abby holidayed with me and the Cambrogan gang in scotland for 6 weeks and i had the pleasure of showing her for a while. This girl has the soundest temperament and never without a smiling face. While she was here we did some training and abby passed her good citizen bronze test.
Nick Smith, july 2021
JB (3) 1 Harrison’s Cambrogan Lady Of Loch’aber At Cariadhaf. This 15 mth g/s/w caught my eye for her elegance and type. She has a very balanced head which is lean with clean cheeks and good tight lip line. Her eyes are dark and give a very soft expression. Ear are set perfectly and she knows how to use them. Still need to develop in back skull. Ample neck that she uses to her advantage, balanced body and moved well, but would benefit by being moved slightly quicker. Shown in full bloom and presented to perfection.
Gary Gray oct 2021
1st Harrison’s, Cambrogan Lady of Lochaber at Cariadhaf, 17 months old. sable and white female of top quality, lovely headpiece. So well balanced, good mouth, lovely dark open eye, good ears, good reach of neck into well a shoulders, good return in upper arm. She's balanced throughout, with good spring of rib, she stood on ample bone. A bit more rise over a rump, but that can be forgiven. Strong hindquarters, she was so sound both ways, won this class on the move.
Joe Smith sept 2021
JB (2) 1 Harrison’s Cambrogan Lady Of Loch’aber At Cariadhaf. 17 mth old sable. Balanced headpiece, well made body, good feet, sound rear, good coat
Bev White, Aug 2021
1. Harrisons Cambrogan Lady of Loch'aber at Cariadhaf. Very nice s/w with a lovely balanced outline. Super reach of neck, correct length of back and well angulated. Good bone and good depth of brisket. She has a clean head with nicely moulded foreface. Stop is correct and expression shows intelligence. Fitted coat of harsh texture. Moves with drive and purpose.
Eleanor Kitchen , Sept 2021
1. Harrisons Cambrogan Lady of Loch'aber at Cariadhaf. My notes say "what a lovely bitch" well balanced all over presented in a wealth off coat of good harsh texture which was groomed to perfection. Balanced head of good length with a nice dark eye and well filled foreface. Good stop and underjaw, lovely expression. Good neck, shoulders, front and turn of stifle. Short hocks ,ample bone, neat feet enabled her to move soundly covering ground with ease.
Carole Smedley, May 2022.
1. Harrison Cambrogan Lady Of Loch’aber At Cariadhaf, sable who was an easy winner of this class. Good length and balance in her head. Good underjaw and well placed stop. Good neck and shoulders. Ample bone, in super condition and moved as if she could work all day. Kept her outline moving and had drive and reach around the ring.
Jim Peach, June 2022
2) Harrison's Cambrogan Lady of Loch'Aber at Cariadhaf. Very close between first and second, lovely head and expression. Moved so well to cover the ring with ease. Well presented.
Anita Fox, Sept 2022
2) Harrison’s Lady of Loch’aber at Cariadhaf. S/w larger eye than 1 but still attractive with a good head pattern with parallel planes and a good fill of foreface. Good ear set. Overall shape was correct with good proportions and angulation. As her shape suggested she moved out very well keeping a top line throughout. Considered her for the RCC.